Care Guide





Three Golden Rules

For keeping trees in pots

Give it a Bath

Every two or three weeks, throughout the growing season, stand the pot in water (up to just below the rim) for ~20 minutes.
Why? A tree in a pot needs every root it has. Water from above often bypasses some of the soil. Bathing your tree ensures all the roots are kept damp and healthy. 

Add Soluble Fertilizer

A tree growing naturally can access 1000s of litres of nutrient-rich soil. Whether your pot is 10L or 50L, it's nowhere near enough. Forget fancy composts and slow-release fertilizers, your tree needs a lot of regular food. So, when you bath it, always add soluble fertilizer.
Use any you can find. There are subtle differences between them, but they're not nearly as different as the manufacturers would have you believe.

Cut Weeds With Scissors

Never pull weeds out of the pot.
Trees grow intricate root contacts with the soil. When you pull out a weed, you tear all those contacts. It doesn't matter in your garden beds, because the plants have plenty of other roots to support them, but with the limited roots a tree has in a pot, it's a death sentence if you break them.
Instead, snip the weed with scissors just beneath the soil surface.


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